After my children were born we moved many times as their dad completed graduate degrees and began his career. It is difficult to be a stay-at-home mom with young children and to make friends but we did it time and time again.
Strangely and wonderfully, over the last two weeks I have been able to re-connect with three of those awesome friends that shared a few years with me. Finding them again has been better than Christmas and hearing about their families and their lives has been like a long drink of cool water on a hot day.
Twenty years ago, we moved to Franklin, Tennessee. My beloved Cousin Charlene lived there and helped us find a home and get established. One day at story time at the library, I noticed another mom with children of similar age to mine. She seemed kind and smiled a lot so I introduced myself and for the next four years or so, we shared many, many afternoons at the park or at each other's home. Her name was Joy and we lost touch after I moved. A couple of weeks ago, Joy ran into my Cousin Charlene and asked about me--email addresses were exchanged and we found each other again. Our children are all grown up now, and interestingly our three grown sons all grew into Civil Engineers--all those afternoons of building dams and forts in the yard perhaps?
In 1993, we moved to Falls Church, Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC. I don't exactly remember how I met Mary, but I know that I was drawn to her right away. We were neighbors and maybe our children found each other and introduced their moms. Mary had a beautiful garden and 3 sons and a husband who loved sports. I thought she was about the coolest person in the world to be able to juggle all that testosterone and balance it with the loveli
In 1995, we moved to Iowa City, Iowa. Janet and I met through our children and we fell into a comfortable friendship that extended to our families. We led a girl scout troop and went on field trips and met up for a vacation in South Dakota. Like Mary, Janet was an extraordinary gardener and a good mom and a good friend. I thought that I had lost her e-mail address forever until today when she sent me an e-mail. She's moved since the Iowa City days, too, and her children have grown up as mine have.
New days ahead for all of us moms as we find out what's next, but I am so happy to have re-claimed friendships with some really special ladies with whom I shared some very special years.
Friends are one of life's true joys. And to reconnect after all these years must be very special. I wish you the happiness of old friends!
How very special Beth. It's so neat to rekindle old, dear friendships and to see how you've all grown through your lives. Thanks for sharing the story of your good fortune and have a great weekend!
With some friends, you can just pick up where you left off and you wouldn't notice that years have passed by. I have that too; I can go a couple of years without hearing from somebody and then catch up with no trouble at all. You know they're out there, still friends even if silent ones.
Sounds like you've made some wonderful friends over time. There's nothing so important. Glad you refound them !
When I was an Army wife we moved every few years but often ran into old friends from post to post. Renewing their friendships made you feel a little more at home even when you weren't.
Also reading your blog made me think about starting my own blog. I've come up to Songo Pond south of Bethel every summer all my life and photography is a hobbie. Thanks, my blog is hope you'll drop by sometime.
What a wonderful blog post this is, Beth. I'm sure we all have friends like that, no matter how much or how little we've moved. I've lived where I am for my entire life, with the exception of college, and that was not all that far away. I didn't move, but many of my friends did. It's so easy to lose touch and I hate that I have lost contact with some people that meant so much to me at one time in my life.
I'm really happy for all of you to have found each other again! :-)
It's cool when we can reconnect with people we think we've lost.
My dad moved the family around a lot. He left the navy soon after I was born, tinkered around at being a mechanic for a few years, but as soon as he entered the construction trade, we never stayed anywhere long. Then Mom put her foot down and said Dad couldn't move until after we kids had graduated.
I lost track of most of my friends. As a kid/teenager, I knew they were only temporary--now, though, I wonder where some of them are and what directions their lives too.
I share your sentiments. When I complain about my out-of-state moves since 02, I remember my military neighbors in Delaware who moved 12 times in 12 years. And we still stay in touch, infrequently, but we think of each other often.
I loved this story you shared and glad you have found those good friends again after so many years. There's a very strong bond that's formed when we watch our children grow with friends.
Wonderful that you reconnected with these women. More great writing.
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