Just as I follow the migration of birds and the coming of Spring through my google reader and updates from fellow bloggers to the south and the west, I have followed the track of today's storm as it passed through Kentucky and Virginia and Ohio and Pennsylvania and southern New England before coming to Maine to dump up to two feet of snow on us before passing off to the maritime provinces and the north atlantic.
Nothing is coming out of the sky yet, but the call from school came already, making the predictions by the teacher and the teenager accurate. Fortunately, for me, I had planned an office day so my commute is the twenty feet from my barn door to my little carriage house office. I will fill up the feeders before the snow starts so the birds can dart out for calories and I can be distracted by them. The weatherman says that it will be snowing 2-3 inches per hour for most of the afternoon. I guess bee class will be canceled tonight.
A few months ago, a friend from another state asked me to join facebook--I joined with trepedation thinking that it was the domain of the hip and happening crowd--it isn't. Well, it may be for some people--the hip and happening ones--but it is also a fun place to reconnect with people. Recently, several of the bloggers that I follow have joined. So, maybe we have a shot at being hip and happening after all!
Beth, the snow has just started to fall here in Central MA and is is 6:45am.
Two feet of snow!!!! I will NOT complain about out 1 foot, HA.
Enjoy the bird watching. I am sure it will be very busy today.
We were supposed to miss the northern edge of the storm, but will be getting 6" today. There is no place to put any more snow, as is likely the case with you. I have likely said this before, but your weather maps are so bizarre the way storms stop at the Canadian border. :-)
kallen, thanks for the update. It will be interesting to see how long the snow takes to get from your house to mine--at 7:36 there is still nothing.
Ruth, From the weather map they show on our television stations, one would think that Canada was sunny and warm--pretty silly if you ask me. I'm closer to Canada than I am to Portland, Maine and I hear all about Portland weather.
Now I know where I need to move.
I love snow--in all its everything--beauty, cold, shoveling.
But this winter, storm after storm has skirted past us, and dumped snow to the north, south, east and west of central PA.
Instead, we get ice or rain.
So with this storm--maybe 1 inch of snow, then freezing rain, and now rain.
I am sure you might prefer that--but I would take the snow.
Of course we're hip and happening but we didn't need Facebook to confirm it! LOL! I've been spending too much time on FB instead of blogging. That will change.
Meanwhile, Beth, hunker down. I envy those who have snow but not the ice. We only have rain. Be careful.
It's raining cats and dogs here today... no ice or snow, but dreary to the Nth degree. Spring sometimes seems so far away.
I've had several invites lately to join Facebook from various and sundry people, and I've not been brave enough to consider it because all the social networking sites have always felt so seedy and cliquey to me. Plus, just keeping up with the blogging seems to be enough for me now. Glad you are having a good experience.
It's a-comin' down here, and the kids have a snow day. But sounds like you'll be getting TWICE as much as we are - you lucky people!
KGMom, maybe you should come and try it for a few months before committing--snowstorms in April can take some getting used to.
Mary, Although fun, face book can be kind of distracting--I prefer the blogs--lots more chance to share our art whether it be writing or photography or humor.
Jayne, stay dry--you have had such pretty little birds visiting you lately--I hope they are tucked away somewhere dry and warm.
Loveanewidea, enjoy the snow day--I know my family is. Hubby just got up but he deserves the extra rest he'll be snowblowing quite a bit today.
It is going to be a long day of snow and an even longer day of clean up. Trying to get The Mother to join facebook right now, she is still working on the blog thing.
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