Monday, January 12, 2009

It's all running together

As I was going out the door a few days ago, I realized that my canner was still on the porch where I had left it to cool last Fall after canning some tomatoes. Hmm, --this is January--you last canned in September--why is this still on the porch? I have a lot of dialogues with myself. Well, didn't the skiis stay in the corner of the living room all summer?

Living in Northern New England, I often wonder why we even bother to change our closets over from our winter things to our summer--it would almost make sense to have our few shorts, t-shirts and sundresses in a suitcase in the corner of the bedroom and just pull it out for July and August.

This week is supposed to get frigidly cold with sub-zero wind chills and low temperatures. I guess I should put my canner away, it will be a long time before the ground thaws, things are planted and harvested and put in jars to be processed in boiling water.


Jayne said...

Oh, heck, leave it. It will be planting time soon enough... lol.

Ruth said...

It is nice to read about someone else who forgets about certain seasonal items. We too are expecting frigid temps this week. I often need a winter coat off and on until the end of May and then again by October. The suitcase idea sounds good ;-)

Pappy said...

You could store your summer clothes in it and when it was time to can you would know its also warm enough to wear them. :) Pappy

KGMom said...

You know how in the comics, people walk around with question marks over their heads?
Well, that's kind of how I picture you per this post. ;-)

SJ said...

I guess the bigger question is, how are the tomatoes since the canning?

NCmountainwoman said...

I read about your coming deep freeze. I just hate the bitter cold that takes your breath away when you step outside.

Hey, if no one has asked you why you have a canner on the porch, I say leave it.

Unknown said...

Lots of suggestions of what to do with the canner; how about buying something at the store and canning it, just to trick yourself into thinking it's summer?