A few days ago, I asked Archie and Brent to put a new feeder up on a pulley between the porch and the big maple tree by the driveway. The other bird feeders are over by my office and I can't see them
That first night, I dreamed about hordes of colorful birds flocking to my yard--I woke up and laughed about my silly dream--and this morning it came true!
This morning as we drank our coffee and checked e-mail, we were treated to 50 or more common redpolls and goldfinches. It was magical and I will never forget this day.
Bird watching is such a pleasure and can bring such joy. The boys and you did good. Now dream about winning the lottery and sharing with all of us! :}
I should be able to see a redpoll near the Michigan place, but haven't spotted one yet, so when I can--it'll be a LIFE BIRD! Congratulations!
I love those little redpolls. We didn't have as many this year as last. They sure are aggressive for such little birds. No Hoary's among that large a flock?
Beth, you are so lucky! I have been dreaming of redpolls coming to my yard too but have not had any luck. Such pretty birds!
That's awesome, Beth! I get excited with the pair of cardinals and titmice who come to my feeder. I'd ecstatic with redpolls and goldfinch! Have fun birding at breakfast!
Isn't is great to have birds greet you in the morning while drinking your coffee? Redpolls sure love the cold temps, don't they?
If you hang it, they will come? :c) So glad you had such colorful visitors so quickly.
That's a great idea. We don't have a good spot for a feeder, I'm going to look at my trees a little differently today. It's going to 60 so I'm going out later to clean up the yard a bit:)
Oh Beth, just a few days ago the same thing happened here. Let's pretend they are the same birds flying between our houses!
All hail the Redpoll Queen!
Its a sunny day in Macedonia and I am sorry about all the snow I see in those pictures.....
But I love you!
Hi Cuz, I just gave you a blog award today. Come by and pick it up anytime. I always enjoy my vists here. I hope things warm up in Maine a bit. Pappy
Aren't the birdies wonderful? I could have bird feeders out every window and near every workspot on the farm. The filling of just the five or so places I do have them is at least an half an hour chore!
Beth, I love the new feeder! I have to get one next year. Just trying to figure out where I will put it. I like everyone's posts on blogs where the feeders are close enough to photograph. Living in Brooklyn we have bars on the first floor windows. Ah, to live in Miane...someday. Have a great day.
Oh Beth, how wonderful! I'm glad you put your feeder where you can see it! I used to love to sit at my diningroom table and watch the birds out the big picture window when I lived in Maine. I could sit there for hours, which makes me think, this may prove to be hazardous to your work! (but good for your soul!)
Beth--I told my mom (in Alfred) about your redpolls and she said she had a huge flock of them too...that same day or maybe the day before! She said she'd never had them at her feeders before, so was quite thrilled. I wonder if it was the same flock?
Good for you Beth! I still have quite a few redpolls coming to my thistle feeders, and seeing even more goldfinches now, with a few pine siskins thrown in. It's been a great winter for birds and birdfeeders this year!
I love seeing the Common Redpolls here in Maine. There are times that we get close too 100 at our feeders, mostly during snow storms.
Nice photos!
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