Sunday, October 10, 2010

So, where did we leave off.................

Oh, I have missed this little blog.  It's time to dust it off, spruce things up a bit and continue sharing what is in my heart.

Facebook is good for a quickie but doesn't allow the insight into the soul that is a blog post--so let's try this again, shall we?

Since we last visited, some things have happened but the essentials are the same....I live in obscurity in a forgotten corner of Maine surrounded by great natural beauty and possessed with an imagination, five cats, a loving husband, eccentric parents and globe-trotting children.  

Over the summer, I closed my little law practice in the carriage house and took a job with the State of Maine, Judicial Branch working with two grant programs devoted to assisting families in the child protection system.   While my efforts are devoted to the same topic as before, there are no more front-line skirmishes.  After eleven years of being in the trenches, it was time to let my battle scars heal and use the hard-won wisdom to try and improve things.

What else happened in the last seven months--oh yes, we went to Chile in April to see how Vila Alhue had survived the earthquake and found that the charming little town had lost all of its 200 year old adobe structures but the spirit of the people was intact.  The trapped Chilean miners are giving us all some insight into what that culture is made of--they have some strong internal stuff going on, for sure.  

In May, son Ethan busted his legs six ways from Sunday.  Rugby----what more can I say.  Sara will finish up with the Peace Corps in five weeks--it doesn't seem like it could be more than two years but it is.  

I've missed you all, my dear blogging friends, thank you for your patience and the facebook chats during my hiatus.



Mary said...

Nice to have you back, Beth. I've managed to squeeze out about a half dozen posts this year, also. Facebook does have a mind-altering effect, doesn't it? I've also missed blogging.

You've been busy!

marianne said...

YAY! Is all I have to say! And the moose. Oh, the moose! I love your new banner. It's wonderful to have more to read from you...a deeper look. Thanks for returning. xoxoxo

Louis said...

Looking forward to your blogs again my advenurous cousin!

The Buck Shoots Here said...

Welcome back <3

Thomas F. Ryan said...

There you are!

Unknown said...

Yay! She's back!

Joanie D. said...

I love the photos at the top of your blog, Beth. (Finally, the word verification thing showed up for me.)

Jayne said...

And we've missed you here my friend! As someone new to Fb, I have to say that if blogging is a lovely canoe ride down a beautiful creek, Fb is more akin to whitewater rafting for me. It's fun sometimes, but I'd much prefer the more relaxed journey. ;c)

Looking forward to catching up with you and life in your new job, and hope it allows you to utilize your vast experience gained on the front lines. Smoochers to you!

Katie said...

Thanks for the update neighbor!

Harriet the Spy said...

Glad you're back, Beth...even though I don't actually know you, your blog is one of the most enjoyable ones I read, and I missed it when it disappeared. You're so right about FB, and so is Jayne...lately I find I've been missing the "lovely canoe ride down a beautiful creek." So here's hoping your return will inspire me to take up my blog again, too!