Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rain for Maine

Many of the folks whose blogs I enjoy have been buried in snow over the last few days--while we in Maine, who have had way more than our share of snow--had nothing but rain. The rain started Friday evening and when I awoke on Saturday morning, I heard what sounded like little birds tweetering outside. The rain had stopped and I imagined that they had been blown north by the storm. Wishing to welcome the birds to my yard, I hurriedly whipped up a batch of Zick dough.

As I melted and measured and mixed the ingredients, I realized that the insistent sound of the birds was coming from one of my kitchen cabinets--opening the cabinet, I discovered little kitten Judith, trapped within. Apparently, it was her little mews for help that I had heard--not a yard full of hungry traveling birds.

Well, I put some of the dough out anyway, hoping that the two chickadees or the one bluejay who have been visiting my feeder would enjoy it and within 30 minutes, a huge flock of birds descended on my birch tree suet feeder. They weren't the most well-mannered birds that I've ever seen nor the most attractive, but beggers can't be choosers and I was happy to see something alive and flying and it was fun to watch them devour the food.


Anonymous said...

The birdies love the zick dough and no doubt clean you out! I love your description of the birds!

Pappy said...

The rains in Maine fall mainly on the plain (singing). That dough is zick I tell you, zick, zick, zick. Didn't know I could speak German did you? Rain over snow makes the roads zlick, no? Have a great week.

beckie said...

Beth, I have tried and tried to click on the zick dough to get the recipe, but it won't let me! Could you give it again? Glad you didn't have any flooding!

Beth said...

Beckie, I fixed the link, there was a problem with it. Way down at the bottom of the post on Julie's site there is the recipe.
Enjoy, it's kind of scary the way the birds descend and gobble it up. Have the camera ready

Kathie Brown said...

Beth, my son reports it snowed to beat the band in Presque Isle. Are you all frozen over now? Oh, for a warming trend! May the crocuses pop up soon!

Larry said...

This Zick dough is spreading across the continent.-I can't wait until I have some time off so I can try making some.

beckie said...

Thanks Beth. I was afraid it was something I was doing or not doing. Will try the dough with camera at the ready!

RuthieJ said...

Those darn starlings! They're pigs and love anything with peanut butter or peanuts in it. I let them eat only when it was below zero because I felt sorry for I chase them away from my suet and they can start picking around for bugs and grubs on the ground again.