I have never quite understood that nursery rhyme--why would anyone who has a garden be contrary?
5 weeks after planting, the squash and tomatoes have blossoms, the brocoli looks luscious and the cucumbers are putting out lots of runners.
Does anyone have fresh garden tomatoes yet?
On advice from Ruth I pruned the raspberries back to 18 inches in the spring and they are thriving.
Your raspberry bushes do look wonderful. I hope you get a good crop. I am certainly not a gardening expert, but learned a lot from visiting my patients in their homes, especially in the rural areas outside the city. My raspberry patch was quite damaged by last year's drought, but I don't think you can kill them!
Beth--maybe the nursery rhyme was intended to get Mistress Mary out of being contrary--reminding her she had a garden?!
I agree--a garden (with whatever growing) is good medicine to lift the spirit.
I haven't had vegetables for years--I focus on flowers--but this year I planted some tomato plants. No tomatoes yet, but then I got mine in quite late.
Isn't it amazing how fast veggies grow?! Your garden looks so good and I'll bet you can't wait for the fresh goodies. I have one little 'perle' tomato plant growing in a container. It's blooming but hasn't set any fruit yet.:(
Must be in the genes. Your momma must be proud. Nice garden. I would love to be close enough to come by for a veggie dinner. Pappy
Your garden looks good Beth. Your broccoli is way bigger than mine, but I think our tomatoes are about the same size. We've been eating lettuce from the garden for a couple weeks now and I have pea pods starting to fill out, but everything else is going slow. It's been kinda dry, so I'm have to use the garden sprinkler every day.
I so wish we had a garden, even a small one. I'd love to have a patch of grass... I'd grow raspberries and garlic, onions and rhubarb... :)
It must be exciting for you, watching the garden and knowing you'll get some wonderful food from it.
I think your title is most appropriate and clever- if you don't tend your garden with good humour you probably won't have anything left to tend.
Yum, fresh rasberries! Looking good. Thanks for stopping by my blog again. There's an update on the rat stroy posted and all I can say is, what I feared has come upon me.
Your garden looks so tidy and lovely. It's still too soon for any sign of tomatoes where I am...(Canada).
Beautiful garden Beth! My dad has fresh tomatoes already. I wish I was more of a tomato girl. :c)
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