Other discriminating minds may disagree, but to me the sexiest Disney character is definitely Robin Hood the Fox. I know women who think the distinction belongs to the Beast or Aladin or even Tramp, but my heart has belonged to Robin Hood the Fox since 1973.
Foxes make me smile.
So imagine my distress when I read an article about a woman jogger in Arizona who was attacked by a fox while out for a run. The fox initially latched on to her foot and started working its way up to her knee. She pulled it off her leg and then it chomped into her arm. She tried choking the fox to get it to let go. Unsuccessful at freeing herself from the fox and realizing that it needed to be tested for rabies she ran one mile back to her car with the fox attached to her arm. Once she got to her car, she pried the fox's jaws open, threw the fox in the trunk and drove herself to the medical center. It tested positive for rabies.
I don't think I'm going to smile so much when I see one darting through the woods ahead of me now.
Beth--I read this story in our local newspaper and was astounded. She ran a MILE after the fox clamped on to her? Then had the presence of mind to toss it into the trunk of her car? And on top of all that, the fox was rabid. Oh my goodness.
Keith Olbermann had this story on his Oddball segment on Countdown. I then read about it in the paper too. I can't even imagine it.
I used to enjoy Redd Foxx. Pappy
kgmom, I keep trying to imagine if she supported it's weight or if it just swung and flopped as she ran--I think she must have supported its weight or it would have torn her arm flesh--I don't know why I wonder about these things.
jayne, shiver. I can't imagine it either--people are brave and tough.
Tex, he was funny, wasn't he but he didn't make me heart flutter like Robin Hood the fox.
Don't worry, there is probably someone marketing a fox repellent as I write. And of course it will be advertised on a infomercial just in time for Christimas. Quite an ordeal and she's fortunate to have survived.
Beth, I read about this also, and marveled at her presence of mind. I think I could have run the mile, but would have been screaming the whole time. Aren't Disney characters life like? And all so loveable. I'm glad I have grandkids so I can still watch their movies. :)
I too cannot believe how level headed this woman was considering there was a fox on her arm.
It does make you stop and think though. I spend a lot of time alone in the woods hiking and often will have a brief encounter with a wild creature or two.
I am happy to hear she is doing okay.
That poor woman! I started reading with a smile and now I'm devastated for her. What a nightmare, Beth. SHE is a tough woman to get through...
I heard this story on the local news. The fox also bit the wildlife officer that tried to get it out of the trunk. They're both being treated for rabies! Don't let one bad fox ruin your love affair. You know this is a rare occurance. I'm amazed at the woman myself!
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